For a recruitment campaign to hit its target, you need more than good seduction techniques. You need to ensure that the employer brand reaches the job seeker in a positive and relevant way. It’s necessary to ensure that the candidate experience is based on an authentic positioning to lead to hires. At sept24, we can advise you on how to optimize your process to make it simple, consistent, and pleasant, since we rely on a 55-point audit of your candidate experience. After all, recruitment is too important to be left to chance.

sept24’s method: start with the big picture. A 16-step map is used, from the hiring process to retirement. First day on the job, tools provided, performance evaluation, vacation, time off… everything an employee experiences in the company is assessed. This way, the biggest challenges are identified and what needs to be worked on is clarified. We guide each client in their organizational development and in the optimization of their HR processes to make real effective changes.

How does a company position itself in the recruitment market? Which employer image does it project? What is its reputation? Only by understanding how a company is perceived can strategies be put in place to optimize its branding. The changes are then anchored in clear objectives that apply to all points of contact with candidates, from the Indeed page to the career site, to interviews. A corporate identity must speak to both, brain and heart.