HR Marketing
« Colabor avec nous »
Employer Brand
HR Marketing
Employer Brand
Colabor Food Distributor is a Canadian public company specializing in the distribution and processing of food and related products. Founded in 1962, Colabor has become an undisputed leader in the food distribution industry following a series of strategic acquisitions, but more importantly, due to the passion that drives its 800 employees. The company serves several niches including hospitality, restaurants, and the institutional market.
Using sept24’s unique approach, we identified the company’s characteristics from the employees’ perspective, obtained through our exclusive methodology, to consolidate and confirm key observations. Management then integrated its employer vision to develop an employee value proposition that reflects their image.
The wordplay fell naturally into place. Colabor distinguishes itself through its team spirit and the pride of belonging to a Quebec company that competes with international players. The concept materialized by adopting the inclusive signature “Colabor avec nous ” and was energized by a photo shoot conducted by our team.
The final result: a unifying concept that showcases Colabor in the market while reinforcing employee motivation.
In partnership with sept24, the company first trained its managers and HR team to thoroughly understand and utilize the employer brand, an important step to bring it to life and ensure successful implementation. In late October and early November 2023, an internal launch took place at several sites with senior management. After the presentation, employees were treated to an experience designed for them, highlighting the new employer brand. Printed and digital visibility materials were also unveiled. The external launch followed in late November 2023, through digital visibility materials for social networks and the careers website.
Team behind this project
Alexis Carignan
Marie-Ève Beaudry
Léa Conway
Amélie Bruneau
Annie Chevalier
Jonathan Ethier
Kareen Emery
Martin Clairmont
Marie-Pier Bisaillon
Mathilde Volland