Here at sept24, we often talk about the importance of youth. However, our CEO Louis-Philippe Péloquin, who has grown this agency for the past 18 years, has us beat. With seven of his counterparts from EntreChefs PME, a group of CEOs, he founded the Club des jeunes entrepreneurs de demain (JED).
So, what is Club JED? Since 2019, the organization has brought together leaders and youth between 13 and 19 years old to foster youth entrepreneurship. “We must prepare the next generation and pass the torch to young entrepreneurs,” says Louis-Philippe [TRANSLATION].
Giving back is essential
The founder of sept24 never hid the fact that what motivated him to create Club JED was his desire to give more meaning to his title. He adds, “In my eyes, true entrepreneurship means giving back” [TRANSLATION].
At the EntreChefs PME meeting in Sherbrooke, members shared his opinion. To this day, the group hopes to democratize entrepreneurship and foster leadership. “And we really want to encourage youths of all backgrounds to pursue entrepreneurship, not just those who come from families with means or where a parent runs a company,” says Louis-Phillipe [TRANSLATION].
JED Summer Camp is the club’s most popular project. “The kids choose to come, so they are very eager. By the end of camp, they all say that their lives were changed,” says Péloquin [TRANSLATION]. In fact, no fewer than 30 kids were able to develop their own ideas for a business.
Learning along with the youths
So, what did Louis-Philippe take from all of this? The learning opportunities and the conversations. He adds, “When I go into the schools, I feel like I am truly making a difference, but importantly, I learn too!” [TRANSLATION].
At sept24, like at Club JED, this concept is fundamental. When building an agency, a company, a society, or a sustainable future, the youth can never be overlooked. Péloquin adds, “Being a part of the Club and speaking with the kids brings me new ways to think and act; it’s what drives me the most!” [TRANSLATION].
As a utopian-realist, Louis-Philippe sees much of himself in the kids he meets at Club JED.
“They have big ideas! We certainly do not keep them from dreaming, instead we put them in contact with the right people for it to work! Like me, they tend to fantasize…so we try to show them the more realistic side of entrepreneurship,” he says while laughing. [TRANSLATION]
One thing’s for sure: sept24, with its internship opportunities and expertise in youth marketing, is also passionate about the next generation.