
Training and Youth Conferences SENSIBLY FEARLESS

Formations - sept24
Formations et conférences jeunesse

HRM training

We share the basics and best practices in HR Marketing with our clients to help them turn utopic workplaces into reality.

  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Candidate Experience
  • Employer Value Proposition
  • HR Marketing Trends

Our trainings are designed for managers, executive committees, Human Resources teams and Marketing teams.

agence communication marketing - sept24

COMM-MKTG Training

Do not start a new brand positioning by yourself without a sept24 training! We go as far as to explain to management committees all the power behind the change of identity. Our training courses are tailored on demand.

They are designed for managers, executive committees, Human Resources teams and Marketing teams.

Agence marketing jeunesse - sept24

Youth Training

Here, we know that the future of Marketing is intimately linked to Youth Marketing. To stay on top of trends, we are in constant contact with universities and colleges. This proximity to generations Alpha and Z – to youth as a whole – allows us to see further ahead. Our training sessions are essential to address the positioning of tomorrow.

They are intended for managers, executive committees, Human Resources teams and Marketing teams.